Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Napping and Sleeping Around a Replica

Today's been one of those days that I am torn between the urge to tear my hear out, bash my head against the wall, or burrow my head into my arms folded on the desk and just switch off. (Funnily why do all these scenarios involve my head).

So it is with much relief that I call it a day and browse my list of regular blogs - wyjunkie's being one of them. And lo-and-behold, she has a link to an article about the benefit of NAPS. Gotta love it, this gives me a lot of ammunition to bring to my boss and explain why I need a day off after a 24 hour turnaround flight timetable. Thanks, wy! By the way.. Condi Rice as a political butterfly? But that would be undermining all the good work she has done so far as Secretary of State, and the National Security Advisor prior to this! Oh, the shame! *roll eyes* Heh heh Madeline Albright could probably teach those young-punk Heads of Rome a thing or two.

I've missed the pool opening hours for a swim. And tonight would have been a fantastic night for a swim. And it would have been the only exercise I can do (beyond yoga, kungfu or isometric stretchs) these few days back in Hong Kong. That's cos I'm a lazy bugger and left my running shoes and rock climbing gear at Johann's, so I will use them this weekend when I'm over. Perhaps the replica is the best solution - a copy of my life in Hong Kong, replicated in Singapore.

Which brings my tired brain cells to wonder - if each of us could replicate our current lives to a different location, what would I replicate? Certainly not my French Country-house nausea-inducing-make-my-friends-laugh-at-me furniture (it's a furnished rental, people. Cut me some slack.) Or my 16-hour workday. Or my idiotic neighbours that play mahjong with the door open and don't invite me to join. Most definitely my friends.

Kinda forces you to think about what you like in your life, and whether you like it in context of the environment you're in, or on its own merit.

Sigh that's too much deep thought for such a shitty day. Off I go. The diner with its late night value set dinner and the Asian Wall Street Journal awaits.


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