Thursday, April 07, 2005

Have a Beer on Me

So I'm in Beijing again - it's another work stint. Am going to check out the Great Wall for the first time... will post about that soon. I know my Siem Reap pictures are overdue - well it takes a long time to fix pictures on Photoshop :) Seriously I'm just running very short on time and I promise to post them soon.

It's been an eventful few weeks. I have finally found my emotional legs to write about my grandmother's passing, but them legs aren't strong enough for me to post that entry. One day I will. Not sure when - but one day. As an ironic parallel, there have been several passings that have affected people in my life. Parents and spouses of friends. Relatives. Causes ranging from peaceful old age, drawn-out tortuous terminal illnesses, and sudden freak accidents. So if you haven't hugged the ones you love today, and told them you love them, please do.

Oceans and prairies may separate us, but our hearts will speak to each other in whispers. -- Annonymous

It's also National Girlfriend and Sister's Week. So please also hug your girlfriend and/or sister, and remember this: I am only as strong as the coffee I drink, the hairspray I use and the friends I have.

Which brings me to my final bit on this post: the picture below came from my cousin who is now living in China, both she and her husband are teaching English and are having a grand adventure. Clearly the job gives her enough time to cultivate her sense of dry humour... here goes:


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