Sunday, April 10, 2005

Siem Reap Pictures 2: Faith

These iconic ruins, Hindu or Buddhist, are so much a part of people's lives here. Among the busloads of tourists that are beginning to make a farce out of some parts of this beautiful destination, locals still make the daily pilgrimage to certain statues in one corner of the huge temple complexes. They offer flowers, money, rice. They ask for blessings, seek to know their fortunes, or sometimes, just close their eyes with head to the ground in devoted prayer. I didn't want to take any pictures of people in prayer, it seemed a terribly rude and intrusive thing to do. The shots below are of various people that either live, or work, or have visited these temples as a symbol of their faith - in either spiritual redemption, or simply, in being able to make a living.

Aged Female Acolyte (Banyon)

Security Guard at Phimenakas

Visiting Monks (Angkor)

Dash of Vermillion on Grey (Angkor)

A Sense of Humour (Angkor)

Aged Male Devotee (Angkor)

Next: Siem Reap Pictures 3: Les Enfants du Paradis


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