Sunday, April 10, 2005

Siem Reap Pictures 4: Defiant Against Time

Much has been written of the ruins that we visited: Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, the Bayon, Ta Promh, Banteay Kdei, etc. I won't waste space introducing them to everyone - you can do a google on your own. I will say this as my own experience of these places:

Angkor Wat: Sunrise is overrun with sleepy tourists clutching tripods and mugs of coffee. If you're not that keen to catch the obligatory tourist shot of the sun rising behind the spires, you're better off spending the morning sitting on the ledge of the top spires.

Ta Promh: My favorite by far. A sense of peace, sanctuary, quiet contemplation. Hidden in the shadows of the trees, unlike Angkor Wat which is exposed to the elements. Met the Lonely Planet Old Man! He is 83 years old.

The Many Faces of Bayon

Angkor Wat Spires at Sunset

Sanskrit Text on Angkor Column

Ta Promh Archway Caving In

Terrace of Elephants

Column within Column

Tree Roots Invade

Lonely Planet Old Man

Next: Siem Reap Pictures 5: Temple Visitors


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