Sunday, April 10, 2005

Siem Reap Pictures 6: The Bugs

Here's the answer to the multi-million dollar question: What In The World Possessed Me To Eat Bugs In Cambodia??!!

well, check out these suckers. Who could say no?


That was an eventful trip to Siem Reap. Following highlights are some pictures from little sojourn into the land of bugs and stone relics:
Siem Reap 5: Temple Visitors
Siem Reap 4: Defiant Against Time
Siem Reap 3: Les Enfants du Paradis
Siem Reap 2: Faith
Siem Reap 1: Tonle Sap

For a complete picture album, you can go to any of the links below:

Temple Visitors I and II
Defiant Against Time
Arches and Columns and Spires and Steps
Food and Khmai Life
Les Enfants du Paradis
Coral and Me

And here are some more thoughts on my visit:
Cambodia IV: Lok Lak, Sony Ericssons and Fried Cockroaches
Cambodia Dispatch III: Phalli's Day From Hell
Cambodia Dispatch II: Trokalok
Cambodia Dispatch I: Chong Kneas


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