Saturday, July 27, 2013

A mother's wish for a new king

Dear Baby George (although personally I prefer to call you Alex or Lou),

Congratulations on being a new face on the royal block!   I'm not going to make fun or be bitter about all the attention you're getting – Aunty Pat isn't bitter like that (or I won't be, when speaking to babies).

Isn't it fantastic to be showered with the attention of such a global family? I suppose it's no different to you whether it's a gang of 10 relatives or 10 million people that are gawking at you, as long as you are held in the sure arms of your mum and dad.  The joy on their face is unmistakable and classic. So are the polka dots worn by both your mum and your grandma when they just left their respective hospital beds =)

There are plenty of flippant notes out there giving you some advice in your new life.  I'd like to, instead, appeal to you to consider something different when you grow up.
  1. Love your parents for being your parents, for being human. Royalty was not their choice,  but learn from them the grace with which they bear this responsibility.
  2. You are George first, William and Kate's son second, Prince third, and public property last.  Keep this perspective so you don't lose your soul to the pressures from the world.
  3. Remember the face of every person who works with you, whether your nanny, chauffeur, cook, colleague, the lady who brings you your tea and biscuits.  Look them in the eye, thank them, and smile. If you have time, ask them about their family.  It makes you, and others, feel good when you behave like a human and treat them the same.
  4. Break down your internal barriers - no one said royalty can't muck around in the mud, backpack for a year, bop on the street, or trip over your own two feet.  Your grandma held dying children from the poorest of the poor in her arms - you can't find a better example than that.
  5. Never be prideful. You will always be learning in this life, and others will learn from you.  When you think you have it figured out, challenge yourself to think again.
  6. Be a positive influence in this world.  Kick yourself when you want to laze and mooch, when you feel like you're entitled. Every privilege you have, you have a responsibility to give more than you have received.  Only then will the world be a better place than before you entered it.
  7. Kiss your mummy and daddy every day and tell them you love them.  There will come a time when that will be the only thing that keeps them going.
  8. When you see another woman, think of your mum, grandmother, great grandmother, and remember how you treat other women should be how you would treat them.
  9. If you want to tear up the town, party it up, smoke and drink and guzzle and snort, know that you are doing your body in and it will only  be able to put up with it for so long.
  10. Be an upright, respectful, responsible citizen of the world. 
When you have time, come visit Layla and Mira because I would love for them to do all 10 things above too.  We've got Cheerios and Legos waiting for you!

With warmest wishes and a kiss on your cheek,
Aunty Pat


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