Saturday, January 28, 2006

Five Weird Habits

I've been away from blogspace for so long, I needed the meme as an excuse to get back in. Not like I've got nothing to write about – but I haven't yet found that 3 hours or so of mind-space for me to think properly and write eloquently. I didn't want to get into the verbal diarrhea that sometimes accompanies lack of inspiration.

So – what is a meme? It's a kind of chain letter, and in the cyberconnected world that we're in today, meme certainly sounds a heck of a lot cooler than chain letter. Unlike real chain letters though, you get to comment backwards – i.e. add a comment back to the one that sent it you.

It may sound like a pain in the ass, but one way to keep people reading is to make the topic interesting – so since wyjunkie got me to this point, let's continue the story, shall we.

My Five Weird Habits

1. I always eat the best part of the dish, last. The potatoes and garnish get eaten before the filet mignon, the chicken wing is the last to be eaten on the nasi-lemak plate. I like to think I'm a devotee to the concept of deferred gratification, but this method of enjoyment is rendered ineffective when you eat with people who have no compunction about picking off your plate. Especially when they're dense enough to think that if you leave something that good temporarily undisturbed, then you must not like it very much...

2. My bed is my only sanctuary. This is a habit I've had since university days – my world could be in complete chaos, but the bed will only have what beds are supposed to have – sheets, blanket, pillows, and comforter. Maybe an alarm clock under the pillow, but nothing else. Not dirty clothes, not books. All that can be dumped willy-nilly on the floor but never, never, on the bed.

3. I am paranoid about the "soapy feeling". On dishes, on the body, on my hands. This is the reason I hate shower gels – I never feel like it's completely washed off from the skin. That slippery unclean feeling – drives me crazy. Where possible... "squeaky clean" is preferred.

4. I take off my shoes under the office desk while I'm working. Even if it's frigid cold. With or without socks. I don't care if my feet smell. I can't think clearly when my heels are higher than my toes. I also blast alternative rock on the office PC to help me through difficult proposals. Colleagues know to stay well away unless they get earplugs.

5. I remember my dreams. Sometimes they're as clear as a movie I watched an hour ago. Other times they linger on the edges of my memory, like an incident from nostalgia. And I remember them for days and days – whether it's the frenetic dream of an upset stomach, or the uneventful dream of a good night's sleep.

The rules of this game as they stand:

The first player of this game starts with the topic five weird habits of yourself, and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Dont forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says You are tagged (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.

Preferably friendly ones, so they don't come back and malign you for a chain-letter-freak. Preferably ones that allow comments, for obvious reasons. And preferably not with celebrity blogs, or ones that have overtones of animal sacrifice or the occult.

So the rugby ball has been passed to: missynomad, joetheman, madcattalespins, yakherder, and tiara knits (are there 5 weird knitting habits?!).